Video Toaster 4.3
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OZ - Arexx routines (v1.3) by Aussie (1/04/96)
requires Flyer version 4.1+
Here are some timesavers.
What is a timesaver? Any simple tool that elimates having to
press the same button 50 times in a row.
For example:
Why should we have to use our brain (a precious resource) to
remember & add 2 timecode numbers to butt one audio to another? Or
to cut a simple 'um' out of a narration?
Or how about turning every audio volume of over 100 video clips
down by 50%. (It could happen) Or the hassle when setting music
volume up's & down's around a narration. Or simply adjusting a
set of linked audio clips to a new start time.
Many of these areas may be addressed by future versions of the
flyer and eliminate the need for some of these ARexx solutions. In
the meantime here are some routines that help take the drudgery out
of editing and expand our editors tool box.
Improved OZ freebies
The OZ freebies may be shared & posted to any interested parties
providing: (1) that all files are included and (2) that no charge
greater than $5 for disk & duplicating is made for the set. NewTek
has also been given permission to include them with Flyer updates.
File names...
Files starting with "1-" only affect one spot or clip. Wheras
files starting with "Grp-" or "Set-" control many clips, sometimes
from the selected (or highlighted) clip, through to a STOP icon
(found in the effects/control folder) or even the End of Project.
Folder names...
These are all in a drawer called OZ (for the Ozzies from
Ozstralia). This saves them being mixed up with your other Arexx
stuff. A suggestion: put some of the other Arexx routines away into
new folders and clean up the clutter. Call folders: NTek, SndTools,
PicTools or Old etc.
You can of course ignore me and move any of these new routines
into the main ARexx drawer or anywhere else. They will all run from
anywhere and do not need each other.
As with any new utility, you should probably save your project
before trying these. They will not touch your disks in any way,
only the project in memory at the time. They all give you a cancel
option (eventually) if you wish to skip the routine.
*** Note: Filenames... I like the routines to be displayed in a
certain order, regardless of the filename, therfore many of the
files have a number at the beginning of their names (e.g. 61-????.)
You may change this to rearrange the order.
How to use...
1-Butt.rexx V1.3
Butt one pair of audio clips together so that the second clip
starts immediately after the first one ends.
To use: highlight the second of two AUDIO clips (placed together
in a row, then run this ARexx routine. The second AUDIO clip will be
set to immediately start after the first clip ends. (Great for butting
music & narration bits back together.)
1-Cut.rexx V1.3
Cuts the second (of 2 duplicate audio clips) out of the first -
great for removing "um's & ahs" out of narrations
To use: Before starting this ARexx...
(1) In your project screen, first select the AUDIO clip (that you
wish to edit) & then 'duplicate' it. (You now have two identical
audio clips in a row)
(2) Now select the SECOND AUDIO CLIP & open its 'controls'
(3) Slide in 'IN' & 'OUT' markers to surround the section to have
removed from the clip (i.e. surround the "um" or "ah".) & close its
window when done
From this point on everything is automated by ARexx, there are no
numbers to remember, start times to add together etc.
(4) Run this ARexx routine (with the second audio clip still
The Arexx routine will alter the 2 audio clips & set them up as
you would have done. The first clip will have the start through to
the cut point; the "um" or "ah" is skipped over; & the second clip now
has the remainder of the narration. You can start over by duplicating
the second clip & begin your next 'cut'.
Note that the start time of the second clip has also been
'butted' up to the first clip, and is set to play immediately after
the first is complete. (Great for butting narration bits back
1-Volume.rexx V1.3
Opens a requestor to change the audio volumes of a single crouton
(VIDEO clip w/audio or just an AUDIO Clip). Simply saves having to
repeatedly open a Fine Tune Window.
To use: highlight a clip and run this ARexx program.
*** Note Flyer 4.1 allows you to open all Fine Tune Windows - but look
at our new program set, "CoPilot" for more audio control.
1-XFade.rexx V1.3
Performs an AUDIO crossfade with 2 video clips (& it can match a
SLOW FADE effect's timing.)
*** Note Flyer 4.1 features an auto audio crossfade that matches the
length of the transition effect (HOORAY!) But this will still be handy
if you want a crossfaded audio that is a different length then the
video transition, or if you want crossfading audio over a video cut.
To use: select & highlight the SECOND of 2 adjoining VIDEO clips,
or the EFFECT icon that is inbetween two VIDEO clips. Then run this
ARexx routine. You can set the fade speed and the volume of the
second clip. The audio tracks will overlap and fade at the same
1-XVols.rexx V1.3
Allows you to quickly set volume changes in a clip of music.
This sets delays, out points, fade times, and volume levels
To use: Before starting this ARexx...
(1) In your project screen, first select the AUDIO clip (that you
wish to control) & then 'duplicate' it. (You now have two identical
audio clips in a row)
(2) Now select the SECOND AUDIO CLIP & open its 'controls'
(3) Slide in 'IN' marker to where your audio should change volume
(NOTE: this is the ACTUAL start point of the audio dissolve!) & close
its window when done
From this point on everything is automated by ARexx, there are no
numbers to remember, start times to add together etc.
(4) Run this ARexx routine (with the second audio clip still
The Arexx routine will ask you for the volume level for the
second clip, and for the length of the transition time for the level
That's it - you're all done. You can even start over by
duplicating the second clip & begin your next 'volume change'.
This routine never alters the IN points of any clips, so that is
where you have control to simply move an IN and re-run this routine
again to move your fade point.
The out point of the final audio crouton has the real ending of
the clip. The out point of the earlier clip is set by this routine to
overlap into the second crouton.
This routine is designed to work with one audio clip that gets
duplicated. It will NOT cross fade between two different clips, and
it will NOT skip out sections of the audio clip. It is designed (for
safety) to adjust levels at pre-set points for one continuously
running audio clip only.
You might also notice that the louder clips are set with your
requested fade time, but the softer clips are set with shorter fade
times - this is to eliminate any hollow spots in the fade & to
establish the soft level quickly beneath the fading loud level. You
can go in afterwards & change these fade lengths manually to go for a
different effect.
Grp_Adjust.rexx V1.3
Allows you to adjust the start point of a set of linked audio
clips. You can move the whole set & maintain their delays & fade
To use: find a set of AUDIO clips in your project that are
together in a row, highlight one of them (usually the first) and run
this ARexx routine. You can adjust the highlighted clip's start time
and every AUDIO clip that follows in the set will change also, to
maintain the same delay.
Notes: This routine starts at the highlighted clip and stops at
the first NON AUDIO clip. (e.g. effect, stop, still, video etc.)
It is presumed that you wish to maintain everything else about
the set of clips, so this routine ONLY changes 'start times' it does
not alter the 'lock to' mode of any clip.
Grp-Link.rexx V1.3
Links a set of AUDIO clips together so that each will start after
the previous one ends. Great for joining music clips that are placed
together at the start of a project. (Starts at selected clip and goes
to the first NON-AUDIO clip)
To use: find or place a number of AUDIO clips together in a row,
highlight one of them and run this ARexx routine. Every AUDIO clip
will be timed to start immediately after the one before finishes.
Note: This routine starts at the highlighted clip and stops at
the first NON AUDIO clip. (e.g. effect, stop, still, video etc.)
Grp-Vols.rexx V1.3
Group Volume Control. Changes the audio volumes of a project in
many ways, Absolute, Proportional or Relative. Try Proportional - it
maintains your mixing balance by adjusting by percentages.
This routine allows a variety of methods to select the clips you
wish to affect. (e.g. Video or audio clips, & audio channel assignment
( ch1, ch2, stereo, audio OFF.)
Note: This routine operates only on clips starting at the
highlighted one through to either a STOP crouton or the end of
project. Place a STOP crouton (found in Effects/Control folder) into
your project, if you wish to limit this routine.
Fix-Jitter.rexx v1.3
A major cause of video "jitters" in a project has been any STILL
or FRAMESTORE that has an odd length (i.e. 4:15). This routine
searches your entire project from top to end, and adds 1 frame to any
odd length stills & frames to help get a perfect playback. This bug
has been fixed in 4.1, but this will still help older projects.
Kill Window.rexx v1.3
This will close down any requestor windows that may get left open
after an Arexx crash. Unlikely you will need it, but it is safe to
run anytime. Simpy click on it & it is done. If you ever get left
with an open window in the way, try this. It's better than re-booting
Set-Fine.rexx V1.3
Sets AUDIO and/or VIDEO clips to either Fine Tune or Quick Tune
display modes - from the SELECTED icon through to a STOP icon or End
of Project.
*** Note Flyer 4.1 allows you to open all Fine Tune windows (HOORAY!)
so this Arexx routine will probably no longer be needed, though it
does let be selective.
Set-Stills.rexx V1.3
Sets a series of FRAMESTORES or VIDEO STILLS to a new timing.
Operates from selected still through to STOP icon, or End of Project.
To use: highlight a FRAMESTORE or VIDEO STILL. Then run this
ARexx routine. It will allow you to set a timing for this and every
still that follows. Place a STOP icon in your project to limit this
Set-Fade.rexx V1.3
Sets a series of SMOOTH FADE effects to a new timing.
Operates from selected still through to STOP icon, or End of Project.
To use: highlight a SMOOTH FADE effect. Then run this
ARexx routine. It will allow you to set a timing for this and every
SMOOTH FADE effect that follows. Place a STOP icon in your project to
limit this routine.
These routines, along with a document file, are all in a folder
named 'Oz' that is placed in your "Toaster:Arexx/Editor/" folder. You
can read the doc file by clicking on the read icons, or use any text
reader (more, less, muchmore, muchless, lotsmore, hardlyany...)
* * * The Deal * * *
These programs are released as "CareWare". How does CareWare
work? Since all of these routines will save you time, you will end up
with extra time on your hands. Spend an occasional extra few minutes
caring for the earth, for your community, for your family, and/or, for
yourself and we will all be paid back plenty. Make the time.
Enjoy the freedom. (They are dedicated to any flyer owner who
had to work with Flyer version 4.04b.)
Later mates,
Aussie - Michael Holten
P.S. please read the notice about our new OZ program set, Co-Pilot.
We would love to have you join us.
(36O) 8O5-0148
2123O Meadow Lake Rd.
Snohomish, WA 9829O